Book Creator

SDG 4 in European Literature

by dajana jelavic

Pages 2 and 3 of 29

SDG 4 in European Literature


Village Institutes (Turkish: Köy Enstitüleri) were a group of rural schools founded in accordance with a project led by Hasan Ali Yücel, who was the Minister of Education at the time. The project started on April 17 1940 in order to train teachers. They were the cornerstones of the rural development projects in the post-war Turkish state. At the time there weren't many educational institutions in most villages, the institutes helped educate the rural populace. Village Institutes were established to meet the needs of the teachers of each village. Despite their short lifespan, they increased the number of primary schools in the country.
Fakir Baykurt, who wrote the Unforgettable Village Institutes, explained how education changed the lives of children and young people living in the rural and poor areas of the country.
The text is provocative. It is a work that is not read only once. The reader will return to the book every time he wants to check his thoughts on education.