Book Creator

How people watched the sky in the past

by Iuliana Ivan

Pages 6 and 7 of 24

Ancient Egypt
The representation of the starry sky was made, in antiquity, on the cupola of the Egyptian pyramids. The interpretations of scholars in ancient Egypt brought together elements of astronomy and astrology: the year was 365 days, and the repeated overflows of the Nile were related to the star Sirius (the brightest star seen on Earth, apart from the Sun), to which Thebes Celebrations were consecrated .
Like other ancient peoples, they used stellar configurations to explain certain important events, especially the rebirth of the human spirit and the Pharaoh in particular. The Egyptians attached great importance to this process by which they believed that the Pharaoh would join the gods after he rose and ascended to heaven. This resurrection was closely related to the star Sirius and its motion in the sky.
Comic Panel 1
The Mystery of Dwn-'nwy and its Identification and Role in Ancient Egyptian Astronomy