Book Creator

Patyriminė veikla: Mitai fantazija ar tikrovė?

by Asta Jonaitiene

Pages 4 and 5 of 30

By cutting one grating rod, they could already slip out of the cage. And when he had done this, he saw the locker locked with an hundred locks. It took the hunters about an hour to unlock them all. Inside the closet, John and Gunnar saw a book with a spell on how to stop Perotica. When the monsters returned, Gunnar began to repeat the spell, and at that time the book immediately began to pull Perotica inside. While uttering the last spell, Perothic grabbed Gunnar and began to suck his soul. John, finding the pan, tried to hit Perotica over his back, but the pan went through. A monster that captured both hunters sucked their souls out. Perotica illuminated the entire forest and four villages. He came out of his cave, and saw the people of all the village was in the forest He took off his wooden leg in which the knife was hidden. By cutting one grating rod, they could already slip out of the cage. And when he had done this, he saw the locker locked with an hundred locks. It took the hunters about an hour to unlock them all. Inside the closet, John and Gunnar saw a book with a spell on how to stop Perotica. When the monster returned, Gunnar began to repeat the spell, and at that time the book immediately began to pull Perotica inside. While uttering the last spell, Perothic grabbed Gunnar and began to suck his soul. John, finding the pan, tried to hit Perotica over his back, but the pan went through. A monster that captured both hunters sucked their souls out. Perotica illuminated the entire forest and four villages. And he came out of his cave, and saw the people of all the villages in the forest with forks and torches. But the monster just laughed and killed them all with a huge burst of energy.

Gvidas ir Ignas
Skinwalker was first caught in 1948 October 13th. The person who told the story died 1 day after. He said it was the most horrifying creature he ever saw. The skinwalker roams in the woods mostly at night or when it very dark. The skinwalker original body has 1 head, no arms, stands on his 4 legs. The skinwalker can shapeshift into any animal he sees. It’s favourite is a deer. The skinwalker can run faster than 10/ms 
Once it sees a human it stalks the person to their home. And then the skinwalker either kidnappeds the person or let the person live. The only possible way to get rid of it is to have a lucky penny and throw at it.  
The last sighting was in 2009 July 4th. The person caught it on camera but the next the the person was gone. 
Odaliptas pirmas pastebėjimas buvo 1948 Spalio 13 d. Žmogus kuris pastebėjo Odalipta kita diena buvo dinges. Jis sake kad tai buvo pats siaubingiausias padaras koki jis buvo mates. Odaliptas buna miškuose dažniausiai naktį arba kai buna labai tamsu. Odalipto pagrindine forma turi 1 galva, 0 ranku, ir stovi ant 4 kojų. Odaliptas gali pasiversti į betkoki gyvūna. Odaliptas gali bėgti greičiau negu 10/ms. Kai jis pamato žmogų, jis pradeda sekioti ta žmogu kol jis nueis į savo nama. Kai žmogus nueina į savo nama, Odaliptas jį pagrobia. Vieninteliu būdų apsisaugoti tai turėti savo sekminga centa ir mesti į ji. Paskutinis pastebėjimas buvo 2009 Liepos 4 d. Kita diena to žmogaus nebebuvo.
