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The Forbidden Forest

by Callum Ward

Pages 6 and 7 of 17

During the trip through the vent Jadath farts and it echos and the rotten smell follows them through the rest of the journey. Finally they see light and jump out and celebrate their escape but their celebration is rudely interrupted by an engine from a voracious chainsaw that is being held by a horrific looking witch. She has hair that looks like it hasn't been washed for years and a nose that is pointy, and on the point is a brown wart. Seeing the Witch sends a chill down their spines. They quickly run to the door but the awful Witch stops them in their tracks, so they change direction and run to the back door it is open, as they run to the front of the house the Witch is still there, so they run to the other side of the house and they make it out, sprinting like their life depended on it all the way back to the outskirts of the forest. Turning back they see the house, above is the green moon like mouldy cheese, soaring the night sky like a superhero protecting the town.

It’s over, normality is back. 

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