Book Creator

All about me

by Jakov Firšt


Hello my name is JAkov. i'm 14 years old. I'm going to take you on a little tour of my favourite things.
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I was born on May 10, 2006. I have an older brother and a younger sister, so I'm the middle child.
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World cup 2018 quarter finals Croatia vs Russia
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I love playing football with my friends. When I think about it, I love anything connected to football especially watching it with my dad.
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Color- blue
Hang-outs- cinema, playgrond, bar
Day of the week- Sunday
Music- pop-rock
Season- summer
Food- sushi
My favourites
There is nothing like playing football in summer
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Me and the boys at the cinema watching a documentary about Rick Astley, Bruno's and my favourite singer.
I love being outdoors so I joined a scouts troop 6 years ago. Since then I haven't stopped loving every single trip we had.
Last day of a 14 day summer camp in Lombarda, Korčula in 2018.
Last day of a 14 day summer camp in Lovinac in 2019.
That's all folks!
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Thank you for your atention and see you around!
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