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2021 English Graduates

by Jolie Griffin

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Reed College
2021 English Graduates
Brian Blum
Thesis Title: Stories About Storytelling: An Analysis of the Power of the Spoken Word in "Beowulf", its Capabilities, and its Presentation

"Beowulf" is a story about storytelling that sits externally at the crux of pagan culture and a rapidly Christian world. This external tension is reflected in the text itself, where court poets and even Beowulf himself as a character tell stories about the Christian God. Furthermore, the poet argues that storytelling is an essential part of what makes us human and that oral culture should be preserved. To that end, he ensures that all the monsters in the poem have some quality about them opposed to speech. In the end, the power of oral storytelling, especially oral storytelling as it relates to the hall and praising God, represents an Edenic ideal that must be preserved. For Beowulf, the poet suggests that all his actions and deference to God might be enough to grant him exception and join the ranks of Heaven despite his pagan shortcomings. For the current audience of both pagan and Christian folk alike, the poem's end may offer to them the possibility for the redemption of their pagan ancestry, though that certainly seems more dubious

Favorite part of Reed: RennFayre, without a doubt, and the sense of community and "we got your back" among the student body, to such a degree unlike any institution I've heard. Given what I hear from friends, the degree to which "Reedies take care of Reedies" is one such unique facet of Olde Reed I hope will never perish.

Favorite English Class: That's really tough. I loved Jay Dickson's "British Women Writers" and his course on mystery novels. Gail Sherman's Junior Seminar was also wonderful. My creative writing classes were also adored. And of course, the very reason I wrote my thesis, two classes, Beginner and Intermediate Anglo-Saxon taught by Michael Faletra.

Take away lesson: Perhaps my most important lesson was one of humbling that I received when I arrived. Never doubt the intelligence of the person across from you. He who thinks he is the smartest person in the room will never learn, and is thus stagnant and an idiot. Unfortunately I speak of myself when I was in high school, and am very fortunate not to be that person anymore.
Fiona Brackley
Thesis Title: This Was Our First Argument
Lindsey Calderon
Thesis title: The Honor Principle: Examining Revenge Tragedies of Early Modern England

In my thesis I examine how three different plays (Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy, Shakespeare's Hamlet, and Webster's The Duchess of Malfi) work within the genre of revenge tragedy. In that regard, this thesis discusses how these different plays view revenge. My takeaway was that these revenge tragedies gradually became more critical of revenge and of a culture focuses on revenge to the extent that it necessitates revenge.

Favorite part of Reed: My classmates

Favorite English class: Jae Yeun Choi's "Rearranging the Mirrors" creative writing class

Take away lesson: I learned the importance of an outside opinion on my writing.
Allison Dennis
Thesis title: An American Revelation: The Need for a Historical Reckoning in Tony Kushner's Angels in America