Book Creator

2020 English Graduates

by Jolie Griffin

Pages 4 and 5 of 28

Jillian de la Torre
Thesis title: "I Felt Myself a Phantom": Spacemaking and Radical Self-Representation in the Literature and Filmmaking of Homeless Bay Areans

My thesis looks at poetry, short stories, and journalism from two homeless-authored Bay Area newspapers and, after an examination of homeless representation in American film history, analyzes two documentary-style films produced in conjunction with Bay Area homeless communities. Through my thesis, I hope to bring more attention to the voices of local homeless creators in the context of a locality where homelessness and inequitable wealth and property distribution are ever-increasing issues.

Favorite part of Reed: My favorite part of attending Reed was having the opportunity to work with a variety of different social service and community organizations through the SEEDS federal work-study program. In different positions, I worked with communities experiencing homelessness, domestic and sexual violence, food insecurity, and challenges related to immigration and employment status. I feel incredibly blessed to have had the chance to engage with my community in this way and to begin to learn how to navigate advocacy and systems works from a trauma-informed place.

Favorite English class: Junior Seminar with Laura Leibman, American Short Story with Gail Sherman, and Theories of Mind: Representations of Consciousness in Fiction and Theory with Nathalia King.

Take away lesson: Learning how to communicate effectively can actively prepare you for important work in so many different fields.