Book Creator

The journey started...

by Sophia Elmohamed

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The journey started....
What happens next...
By: Sophia
The crippling ocean waves hitting up against the rickety boat were now quiet. What would I see as we docked on new land?
Woah Where am I? my heart is beating as fast as an airplane taking off, I just woke up and there's a boat here on the jagged rocks and why am I here? All I remember is me getting a piece of bread (I actually stole the bread.)
Well let me introduce myself, my name is Sophia and I'm right now in the middle of nowhere, All I see is a boat that's as big as the earth, and jagged rocks everywhere when i step on it it feels like someone is stabbing me! I think I am a convict who just fell of a boat because it seems like we hit these sturdy jagged rocks! I'm not sure what day it is but it looks like it's sunrise, the scolding sun is just coming up!
OH wait a second the boat says something... it says something on the boat? It says ~Captian Cook~ wait a second who's that is that who took me here? Hang on I think I'm going to have a panic attack... wow! I'm in a forest with green, juicy, wet leaves everywhere!
In a blink of an eye
I found this mountain that's 1 million times bigger as the queens castle. It has a sign it says 'Blue Mountains'..
Should I cross it? mm I'm not sure actually I think i should I'm so hungry i can eat earth, (few minutes later) ughhhh I have no food at all and my tummy is making a noise that sounds like thunder! I need to take a rest it’s only been like 10 minutes and I’m already half way dead! (Gasps!) There’s a pond! I could finally get some water! Phew let’s keep on going. Ok I think I’m almost done, AHH... Why is there a hole! I’m stuck. HELP HELP! (I just remembered I’m the only one! Well I’m going to need to help myself) but this hole was to deep so I just got dirt and jumped and put it under and I finally got up! Phew well now I need to be careful… *I looked up*…
(A flash of lightning rapidly ran around the sky) AHHHHH its POURING RAIN AND ITS BARLEY BUDGING. DOES THIS MEAN THIS RAIN IS GONNA STAY HERE AND NOT GO AWAY!? UGHH noooo! I think I know what to do! If I get a big enough leaf from a tree, I can put it on top of me. A few moments later I got a leaf and held it on top of my head for the day until the rain went away. If I get to wet my clothes will get heavy and then I will walk really slow which is not good at all. I need to eat, my tummy hurts and my legs are tornadoes! I have been walking for so long. After that, the rain finally stopped YES! But I’m still tired, I should probably nap a bit!

Eventually it was morning, time for another walk! In a blink of a eye I’m off the mountain “I can’t believe I made it ALIVE” I gasp.
I cant believe what I've just done! I crossed the Blue Mountains. I discovered a place where there has been a war and I'm the only one to walk across. Wow! I have a cool life even though I stole a piece of bread and I'm pretty sure someone named Captain Cook got me here! This needs to be told to the world but how do I get back to the land where I lived...
I think I should build a new boat to sail back to land ( few months later) ughhh its been soo long, I finally finished so I think so I should swim back to sore in this Metalic fresh water. ( years later ) I MADE IT YAYYYYYYY hope u enjoyed my story!!