Book Creator

Les animaux fantastiques

by Year 3 & Kathleen Poulet

Pages 2 and 3 of 12

Les animaux fantastiques
Classe de Français
Year 3
BISL - Mai 2020
Rounded Rectangle
Les animaux fantastiques

They Year 3 students have been focusing on family, house and animals during this block. They have been doing an amazing job and decided to go one extra mile in creating a book on a subject they enjoyed: "les animaux". They have been imagining fantastic animals, mixing two animals to create a new one.

Enjoy your read!
Une souris poisson
Mark Biletski
Un chat chien
Ela Redondo Drazic
Sara Nishimura
Un chat chien ou Un chien chat
Eva Borosa
Un chatortue
Alana Bernal
Un phénix lion
Eva Yalkovska