Book Creator

Some Poems

by Owen G

Pages 6 and 7 of 11

That first thought
That first action
That first day
That first session
When if first started
It hurt like stepping on lego bricks
But, it was like never before
I kept going out
More and more
Until that first day was far behind me
But, I still remember the rush of that first day
And the rush I still get
Whenever I go
With friends or alone
Sun, snow or rain
I am as smart as a book
I am as young as a clock
I am as fair as a scale
I am as tall as a hilltop

I am as powerful as a fish in a sea
I am as valuable as a dollar
I am as green as a tree
I am as religious as sheep

I am as strong as a tree
I am as motivated to move as a clock
I am as in power as the prime minister
I am as rich as a the dollar