Book Creator

COVID Keepsake Series

by First Graders

Pages 2 and 3 of 373

Pages 4 - 7:
Pages 8 - 42:
Pages 44 - 79:
Pages 82 - 118:
Pages 120 - 185:
Table of Contents
Pages 4 - 7:
Pages 8 - 42:
Pages 44 - 79:
Pages 82 - 118:
Pages 120 - 185:
Website Sound Puzzles Revealed
Love that Sound
Love that Taste and Smell
Sight and Touch
Journal Sheets
The answers to our sound puzzles are here!
Mrs. Polay's Sounds
Mrs. Orr's Sound
Sound 1 - Your guesses:
Your guesses:
The answer:
Yummy chicken baking in the oven. Some of you were so close!
Sound 2 - Your guesses:
The answer:
Her little dog's feet tap dancing around
the house vying for her attention.
The answers to our sound puzzles are here!
Mrs. Orr's Sound
Your guesses:
The answer:
Mrs. Border's Sounds
Sound 1 - Your guesses:
The answer:
A soothing fountain.
Sound 2 - Your guesses:
The answer:
Turning on and off a light switch.
Mrs. Unger's Sound
The answer:
Mrs. Unger's husband cooking dinner. He made sure they ate well during this shutdown!
Alexia, Donna, Emily, and Leili submitted sounds for our website game. Thank you to everyone who participated! You made some great guesses. Here are the correct answers:
Alexia's Sound: Clapping her hands.
Donna's Sound:
Emily's Sound:
Clicking her tongue.
Leili's Sound:
Rubbing her hands together.