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The Gallimimus by Bristol and Tristen

by Bristol Belden

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The Gallimimus
by Bristol and Tristen
Mrs. S/R - Grade 2
The Gallimimus was brown , had feathers and a beak.They were light on their feet and were 20 feet long. It had weak arms and fingers and two long feet.
The Gallimimus had no teeth so the Gallimimus just used its beak to eat small animals,fruit,and leaves.
The Gallimimus runs so fast that it can out run carnivores and it lives in a herd.
The Gallimimus lived in the Gobi Desert , Mongolia, and Asia.
The Gallimimus is compared to a Ostrich today because they both run 40 miles per hour.. The Gallimimus lived 70 million years ago.
We got our information from PebbleGo and Enchanted Learning.