Book Creator

Black Queen



Legends of the Black Queen
Osnovna škola Zorke Sever

Zorka Sever Elementary school
The first story
Tekst čitao učenik Dorian Turk. 
l. Barbara of Celje (Black Queen)
    Barbara of Celje also known as the Black Queen was the daughter of a Croatian ban Herman II. of Celje and countess Ane von Schaunberg.
   She was born in 1392 in Celje in Slovenia. In 1408, when she was 16 year old, she married a Hungarian – Croatian king Sigismund of Luxsemburg. Barbara replaced Sigismund on the throne while he was absent from the Hungarian – Croatian kingdom. In 1419 she was persecuted with her daughter Elizabeth because of the conflict with her husband. After reconciliation, Barbara was the Cezch queen from 1420, and in 1433 she got the title of Empress. To save her throne, she fought Albert II of Hasburg, who was married with her daughter Elizabeth. Albert won and imprisoned Barbara in Pozhun. After her release, Barbara escaped to Poland. While she was escaping, a necklace with seven rubies fell out in the forest. People believe that during her reign in Czech Republic, in order to fulfill a wish she had to kill seven girls, because the necklace had seven rubies. When she killed them, she would throw them into a well in front of the castle. People considered her to be a witch. She delved into Alchemy and loved to wear black dresses which convinced people even more that she was a witch.
    By coming to Poland she showed support to Kazimir Jagelovich which continued till her death. It is believed that they burned her at the stake because of her wierd behaviour and beliefs.
Tekst preveo učenik Dorian Turk. 
Comic Panel 1
Rad učenice Eme Ganić.
l. Barbara Celjska (Crna Kraljica)
Barbara Celjska, poznata kao Crna Kraljica, kći je hrvatskog bana Hermana II. Celjskog i grofice Ane von Schaunberg. 

Rođena je 1392. godine u Celju u Sloveniji. 1408. godine, kada je imala 16 godina, udala se za ugarsko-hrvatskog kralja Žigmunda Luksemburškog. Barbara je Žigmunda u vladanju zamjenjivala za njegova izbivanja iz Ugarsko-hrvatskog Kraljevstva. 1419. godine je bila progonjena sa svojom kćeri Elizabetom zbog sukoba s mužom. Nakon pomirbe, Barbara je dobila titulu Češke kraljice 1420. godine, a 1433. godine dobiva titulu carice. Da bi si osigurala vlast, borila se da prijestolje ne naslijedi Albert II. Habsburgovac, koji se oženio njenom kćeri Elizabetom. Albert je ipak zavladao te Barbaru zatočio u Požunu. Nakon oslobođenja, Barbara je pobjegla u Poljsku. Dok je bježala, u šumi joj je ispala ogrlica sa sedam rubina. Vjerovalo se da je, za vrijeme vladanja u Češkoj, kako bi ispunila želju, morala ubiti sedam djevojčica, pošto ogrlica ima sedam rubina. Kada bi ih ubila, bacila bi ih u bunar ispred dvorca. Ljudi su je smatrali vješticom. Bavila se alkemijom i voljela je oblačiti crne haljine što je ljude još više poticalo da ju smatraju vješticom. 

Dolaskom u Poljsku, podupirala je Kazimira Jagelovića do svoje smrti. Vjeruje se da su je, zbog smatranja da je vještica, zapalili. 
Tekst napisao učenik Dorian Turk. 
The second story