Book Creator

Soccer In Self-Isolation

by Logan Wickstone


Myrtle Park fields have been closed due to the coronavirus. These fields are great places to play soccer, or any other activities and stay fit. This has been a very popular field for me as well as others. I used to like coming here to practice running instead of the road because it gives the most in game like feel.
William Griffin field hasn’t been closed and is open for anyone but is used at your own risk. The goalposts have been locked up to help prevent the spread of the virus.
Both Windsor field and Bubble have been closed to everyone but are hoping to open again soon. Many teams play here, including mine, so seeing it close to everyone is a shame.
Due to the coronavirus, all teams have stopped practicing which means they don’t see each other much; this is unhealthy for sports teams so having zoom calls is a great solution. Our team is connecting every Monday which helps keep the love of the game.
Since no games are being played at the moment, soccer fans have started watching entertaining games to feel like the season is still going on. (P.S. press the middle of the photo)