Book Creator

Oregon 2019

by Logan Wickstone


Map of Vancouver to Newport
Alternative Route
I am looking forward to going to Cannon Beach, specifically Haystack Rock. I want to see this because I enjoy photography and videography and Haystack Rock is a beautiful spot for that. I have never seen a rock that large so it will be a new experience for me.
I hope to see a sea lion. I want to see a sea lion because they are cool, unique and weird. The only times I get to see sea lions is at aquariums and I rarely get the opportunity to go there. Most people would say sea lions are ugly and stupid and I agree with that but that is what makes me like them.
Oregon Day 1
Travelling South
This video is about throwing wooden planes off the top of the Astoria Column. This is my favourite video because it was a really cool experience and I have never done anything like it. It was also really cool to see how much the winds effects light things and I found that really interesting. I got really scared when I was walking up the straits in the column to get to the top. I thought I was going to fall or drop my iPad. Even though it was a scary walk it was worth it. I thought the Astoria column was really cool and super detailed.
I also like this video of us crossing the bridge because it is a time lapse and I find time lapses cool. This is probably the longest bridge I’ve ever crossed and it makes a cool time lapse. My favourite part of the video is when the bridge turns so the camera follows and looks really satisfying.
The Astoria Column
The Astoria Column is 125 feet tall and is covered on the outside by a friezes that depicts historical American events.
This drawing shows me moving from Richmond to North Van. This has effect my soccer life largely. I know play for Mountain United and who knows where I would be playing if I stayed in Richmond.
Oregon Day 2
Fort Stevens
What I found very interesting at Fort Stevens was the disappearing rifle. The rifle was very effective and was rebuilt by a man but, he sadly passed away three years ago and his son will try to finish it. The men put gunpowder covered in silk in the rifle because it burns almost fully so it was easy to clear out. When the rifle was ready to be shot it got lifted up in one second, shot and went back to. When it came down it was steaming and the men needed to clear out the residue of the silk because if they didn’t it would blow up. There was men just below the rifle calling out coordinates of the enemy ships. Every 15 seconds the men had to have finished the math equation and solve a new one.