Book Creator

Amazing Newfoundland

by Claire

Pages 2 and 3 of 18

Amazing Newfoundland
Is your favorite animal a bear? Did you ever want to pet one? Then the Newfoundland is just the right pet for you! (Yes, they are house pets!” Read on to find out more about these sweet giant bears! Hope you enjoy!
They usually live in a house because they are a pet. They also live were ever pretty much.
What do you look like?
Female are 25 through 27 inches long and a male is 27 through 29 inches long. They look like furry black or brown or a landseer or gray. They look like a giant fluffy bear.
Newfie newfie what do you eat?
They eat dog food and fruits and veggies. Don’t forget the meat!
And they need protein to get strong.
What is your adaptations?
There big size helps them. Heres an example: there big muscular head and there giant body.
What are your facts?
It has webbed feet so it can swim. It is a fluffy life guard. In my opinion it is the sweetest dogs ever! It is so strong and big it can knock you over! They need a lot of time of time with pepole like there owners! They also have two layers of skin.
Do you really like these cudelley bears? I enjoy them too. But I have to go now. Wait just one more thing! I hope you enjoyed my book!