Book Creator

Thanksgiving Dinner

by Casey


Thanksgiving Dinner
"Is it time?" I asked.
"Almost,Casey. Are you going to eat any food this year?" Mom asked.
"Maybe." I said.
" I do know that your sister,Carley isn't gonna eat a thing."
We all go to my grandma and grandpa's house for Thanksgiving but last year they re-did their
kitchen, so we had it at my house. It was just as fun!😊
First my mom, my Aunt Sarah, Kirsten, and grandma made food for thanksgiving. I'm pretty sure my grandma buys the turkey.🤔
My brother William and my cousin Thomas collect acorns for some reason."William come on let's go play football,"Said Tom.
"O.K". Meanwhile,me , Allie,Olive, and Ira and my little sister usually play together.But
sometimes we play with Willy and Tom.
Time to eat!😁We all sit at the table except the adults. They sit at the counter top. Everyone says there prayers:
"Come LORD Jesus be our Guest and let these gifts to us be blessed. Amen,"Everyone says.