Book Creator


by Rita Giovanna Ogliari

Pages 2 and 3 of 126

a.s. 2021-2022

Junior Ambassadors of the European Parliament
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We are an EPAS School.
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About the European Parliament Ambassador School Programme
The European Parliament Ambassador School Programme (EPAS) aims at increasing students’ awareness of European parliamentary democracy, the role of the European Parliament and European values.
It also encourages them to actively participate in EU democratic processes. It targets students with diverse educational, social and geographical backgrounds.
Teachers and students are appointed as Senior and Junior Ambassadors by the schools selected to take part in the programme and are put in charge of its implementation. Teachers take care of the educational aspect, mainly organising lessons on European parliamentary democracy.
Teachers and students are asked to carry out activities such as the creation of an EU Info Point, the organisation of Europe Day events or the creation of social media content. They liaise with Members of the European Parliament, other Ambassadors and partners, and engage with their communities.
The Ambassador Schools Network
With around 1 500 certified European Parliament Ambassador Schools, 3 700 teachers appointed as senior ambassadors and almost 23 000 students as junior ambassadors, the network offers schools a great opportunity to exchange best practices and cooperate in the implementation of the programme. The Ambassador Schools Network is part of a wider community cooperating with the European Parliament, notably via the platform The network gives schools the chance to be involved in a wide range of activities organised by the European Parliament, its Liaison Offices and its institutional partners, and to connect with various European, national and local entities and civil society organisations.
President Sassoli’s message to the EPAS network

The President of the European Parliament, David Sassoli, would like to share a message with all the teachers and students who are part of the European Parliament Ambassador School (EPAS) programme. This initiative helps close the gap between the European Union and its citizens, while promoting parliamentary democracy and youth engagement.