Book Creator


by Rita Ogliari_IIS Galilei Crema

Pages 2 and 3 of 83

Local Personalities
Classe 1A Informatica a.s. 2017-18
The students prepared a presentation of local personalities - a world famous journalist, a hilarious stand up comedian, an incomparable luthier, a Baroque painter, a clever mathematician and the great personality our school is named after, that is Galileo Galilei. Through web quests and on the ground interviews (some local personalities are still alive) the students prepared a series of presentations using Powerpoint, Powtoon, Thinglink,, Padlet and were proud to show in a very creative way what they have learnt about these personalities. They had also the chance to learn something from other countries' personalities.
The project ended with an activity of edutainment in the class through a Skype videoconference in which the students of IIS Galileo Galilei, Crema and Collège Pierre Fouché, Ile sur Tet met and shared the information of the project and talked about their own biography!
Share your local traditions with us!