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The beautiful animals that are losing their habitat

by Iván Barzallo

Pages 4 and 5 of 6

The beautiful animals that are losing their habitat
Oso de anteojos o andino
Spectacled or Andean bear
Iván Barzallo
Unidad Educativa Técnico Salesiano
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It is mainly characterized by its white fur around its eyes, giving it the shape of glasses.
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They are large animals, even reaching 2 meters in height and weighing between 100 and 200 kilograms.
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They have thin skin which is more for warm climates.
They lived was in many ecosystems but mainly inhabited the tropical Andes.
Among the wide variety of habitats they can live in are shrubby areas, high-altitude grasslands, among others.
They changed was habitats according to the time of year and the extent of food.
Spectacled bears are omnivores, because of the shape of their skull they are allowed to eat hard vegetables, such as palm trees and cacti.
As they are omnivores they also eat meat, they feed on dead animals such as rabbits and tapirs, they also feed on cattle.
Causes of its extinction
One of the reasons why the spectacled bear is in danger of extinction is the loss of its habitat, this is mainly due to the fragmentation and deforestation of the forests in which they live.
Another reason is climate change, which causes the loss of food, to which the bears go to closer areas where they are close to humans, who hunt them to sell their skins and eat their meat.
Actions to prevent extinction
If I could do something to prevent the spectacled bear from becoming extinct, I would stand in line to see that spectacled bears are animals that do not harm them.
If I could do something to prevent the spectacled bear from becoming extinct, I would make people respect nature so that spectacled bears do not lose their habitat.
If I could do something to prevent the spectacled bear from becoming extinct, I would make people not promote animal trafficking since that is wrong and they only do it to have more money.

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