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Say No!

by Ana Palmer

Pages 2 and 3 of 8

Say No!
By: Ana Sophia Palmer
Table Of Contents:

3.......................All About Heroin
4.......................All About Cocaine
5.......................All About Marijuana
6.......................All About Smoking
7.......................All About Vaping
8.......................About The Author
What Is Heroin?
Heroin is a drug made from morphine, a natural substance taken from the Opium Poppy plants. Heroin is a white or brown powder or a black sticky thing also known as Black Tar Heroin. If someone offers you a subtance like this one- Say No!
What Are The Side Effects Of Heroin?
Heroin is NO JOKE. Some side effects may include, a "rush". A "rush" is where you feel heavy in your extremities, have a dry mouth, and a warm flushing of the skin. Other side effects may include, naseau, severe itching, and vomiting may occur. After the initial effects, comes being drowsy for several hours, mental function clouded, heart function slows, breathing is severly slowed, and having a overdose can cause death.
What Is Cocaine?
Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulative drug made from the Coca plant. You might find this drug in a hospital setting. This drug was made as an alternative to anesthesia. It then became an addictive, illegal drug. Some street dealers mix Cocaine with cornstarch, talcum powder, and flour for more value. Cocaine looks like a fine, white crystal powder. If it's not for a medical issue- say no!
Short time uses:

Extreme sensitivity to sight, sound, and light
Intense happiness
Paraniod feeling
Decreased appitite

Long time uses:

Heart disease, heart attack, and stroke
Sexual trouble
Mood problems
Lung damage
HIV or hepititus if you inject it
Bowel decay if you swallow it
Loss of smell, nosebleeds, runny nose, and trouble swallowing if you snort it
Some Side Effects May Include:
What Is Marijuana?
Marijuana is the most commonly used drug in the United States. It is used mainly by younger kids. More then 11 MILLION young adults ages 18-25 used Marijuana in the past year. Marijuana can be used for theraputic treatment. People smoke or snort Marijuana. If someone asks you if you want to snort pot- say no!
Some Side Effects May Include.....
Leaving you anxious, afraid, or panicked
Give you or worsen your depression
Heighten your senses (make colors seem brighter and sounds might seem louder)
Distort you sense of time
Hurt your motor skills and make driving more difficult
What Is Smoking?
Cigarette smoking causes more then 480,000 deaths each year in the United States. This is now nearly one in five deaths. More then ten times as many US citizens has died by smoking then have died fighting in war. Smoking causes more cases of lung cancer. People who smoke are most likely to have coronary heart disease 2-4 times, strokes 2-4 times, men and women developing lung cancer. Smoking causes coronary heart disease and strokes. The leading death causes. If someone asks if you want to smoke- Say No!
Some side effects may include:

Coronary heart disease
Eye cataracts
Loss of smell and taste
Yellow teeth and bad breath
Cancer in the nose, lip, and mouth
Respiratory arrest ( stop breathing and death)
What Is Vaping?
Vaping is when you inhale vapor from a e-cigarette or other vaping device. E-cigarettes are battery powered devices (like a cigarette). They have small compartments in them that hold nicotine, flavorings, and chemicals. The liquid is heated into vapor and is then inhaled. That's why its called vaping.
Vaping has not been around for too long, so health experts don't know how it affects you for a long period of time. So far, they have gathered some information but not enough. The things that they know for now are that vaping can give you lung damage, and in some cases-death. Vaping can also irritate the lungs, and can lead to smoking later on in life. Vaping puts nicotine in your body which can slow your attention span, mood swings, and self-control.
Some side effects may include:

High blood pressure
Tachycardia (irregular heart rates, 100 beats per minute)
About The Author:
My name is Ana Sophia Palmer. I have a dog, and at least 17 fish! I LOVE to go fishing, (hense the picture above) eating, watching Youtube, and hanging out with family. I am 11 years old and I was born in Vero Beach. I go to Grandview Prepartory School. I have a older brother and sister. I love to listen to music- country music! I am born and raised a full on Cuban!