Book Creator

Talking Literary Legends

by Stefany Navushtanova

Pages 6 and 7 of 39

Elisaveta Bagryana
I was born on the 16 April 1893 in Sofia. My real name is Elisaveta Lyubomirova Belcheva. I was a Bulgarian Symbolist poet. My first verses were written while I was living with my family in Veliko Tarnovo from 1907 to 1908. Later I was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature three times. My first poems are ”Why’’ and ’’Night Song’’. They were published in 1915 in the magazine ’’Contemporary Thought”. With the arrival of my first book, ’’ The Eternal and the Holy“, I earned the confirmation of my peers. I also started writing children’s stories. My poems are straightforward, sensitive and serious, as in ’’The Well”, a fable-like piece relating as well she dug when a little girl to the wellspring of poetry in her soul.