Book Creator

The Mystery of The Last Piece of pizza

by paulina k

Pages 2 and 3 of 11

A piece of pizza
„The Mystery of the Last Piece of Pizza”
It was a hot, sunny day. Sherlock was aimlessly wandering the streets of London. The heat was unbearable. There was not a living soul, only stray dogs desperately looking for some shade to lay in.
The detective got really tired so he sat on a bench in the nearby park. He took out his favourite "Big Book of Sudoku" and started solving the puzzles.
30 minutes later...
Suddenly, as he nearly dozed off, a loud scream put him to his feet. Confused he looked around.
Sherlock saw people running around like crazy and decided to see what was happening.
What is going on?
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Once he came up to the chaos he started asking people about what the fuss was about, they told him that something really bad was happening. What he was told next was shocking...
'The last piece of pizza... is gone! You have to help us find the thief!'
The crowd was extremely anxious.
They really need my help
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A couple minutes later...
'Focus...', said Sherlock. 'Have you seen anything weird lately? Any suspicions?'
'There was a man... He was acting suspiciously. He was wearing unusual clothes... a strange, colorful patterned suit'
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