Book Creator

Horrid Poetry From A New Poet

by Callum R


Horrid poetry from a new poet

Sound poem

Plop plop plop plop

Fwisht whoosh fwhoosht

Plop plop plop plop

Plip plip plip


The rain.

The outsiders book
Is one that i have read before
It gives you worldview

Haikus are easy poetry
I think that other poetry is hard
Except for similes
I want poems to swear
That is why i don’t like poems
I don’t want them read

Expirence poem
One of the games that i love is mtg
What is mtg? Magic the gathering.
The best card game there is.
Feel i am wrong? Well try me
Magic the gathering is a card game
There is more than one way to win
My favorite way to win is an obscure one
It does not have to be a common one just an obscure one
I think mtg is fun because there is so many different strategy’s
An other fun way to wi is using poison counters
I bet you have no idea what i am talking about
Well you should just google it
It might increase your brain cells by a bit