Book Creator

Rudolph is Missing

by Randy


Rudolph the Missing Reindeer
By: Randy
Crunch, crunch Santa's footsteps echoed through the North Pole. Santa was heading to the sleigh where all the reindeer were tied to the sleigh. Santa counted the reindeer. When he noticed there were only eight reindeer. He saw there was no shiny nose, so he knew Rudolph was missing and called his head elf, Flipper. In a flash, Flipper was off to find Rudolph.
First, Flipper saw Rudolph in the town ahead of him. Rudolph was standing at the edge of the town. He quickly ran to Rudolph. But, when he reached Rudolph he saw that Rudolph was frozen. Is that Rudolph? Nope. Flipper was sad. It was just a statue of Rudolph. Flipper wondered where Rudolph was?
Next, Flipper went to some mountains. He was sure he saw Rudolph flying just above the mountains. He quickly went up a mountain close to him. Is that Rudolph? No! Flipper was fooled. It was only an airplane with a red light. Where could Rudolph be?