Book Creator

HCS Spanish newsletter

by Ainaka Luna


HCS Spanish news
Winter Edition
This newsletter was designed using BookCreator one of the tools that students use in class on regular basis.

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Winter is here and adds another layer to the restrictions we all are facing. Thanks again for your resilience and flexibility. Despite the pandemia restrictions, students continue building the foundation of a second language, curiosity for other cultures, and creativity sharing their language skills.
Language immersion, art, music, videos, games, and hands-on projects are part of the Spanish language and culture learning experience.
Wednesday is a remote class. Students will Meet for a half-hour to play games, practice vocabulary, and maintain social-emotional connections. Class resources, assignments, and other important information are posted in Google classroom.
Students are encouraged to practice their language skills at least 10 minutes per day to keep their vocabulary fresh. Some of the online programs available for students to practice their language skills are Duolingo, Educandy, Edpuzzle, VoiceThread, Kahoot, Sr. Wooly, SparkAdobe, WeVideo, and BookCreator. Students know their codes and passwords.
Sr. Kohlasch sharing his experiences in Spain in Ms. Muroski class.
Holiday Celebrations
During the holiday season, 5th-8th grade students learned about different traditions around the world and created greeting cards in Spanish. They also decorated the classroom entrance enhancing the holiday spirit. They put a lot of effort and care into this project.
Fifth grade
Students created All About Me projects to talk about themselves, their pets, and things they like. They designed posters, ebooks, and videos to show their creativity and shared them with their classmates. 5th-grade students attend Spanish class four times per week for half a year.