Book Creator


by Madelyn

Pages 2 and 3 of 10

Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny in the time of the Westward Expansion occurred when selfish White Europeans decided God told them they had the right to take over land from people who had less power than them. This contributed very heavily to the Trail of Tears because settlers decided that they wanted more land for their people to use so they kicked out Native American tribes like the Cherokee. About fifteen thousand Native Americans were forced on the Trail of Tears and about four thousand died. The Native Americans were forced to march all the way to Oklahoma at gunpoint. There were less soldiers marching with them, but since they had power, (also known as guns) the Native American tribes had no choice but to walk or forget their roots.

Guns and violence will win the first fight, but in the end words and peace will become superior.
Coming of Age
Sacagawea was born on either 1788 or 1789 in the Western Rocky Mountains of Colorado. She was a Shoshone Native American. The Shoshones are known for their tepees, bowl and basket making, hats, and traps for hunting. When she was about eleven her village was attacked by a Hidatsa War Group. Her mother was murdered and she was kidnapped and taken as a slave.