Book Creator

604 Magazine 2022

by Class 604

Pages 6 and 7 of 85

Big Cats-Lions and Tigers

  What are those enormous cats chasing that poor gazelle? It’s a pride of lions! 
 In this article you will learn about what big cats eat, live together or alone, have babies, how lions and tigers are same and different and how they are endangered.
Have fun reading!
By: Blythe Chen

  6 lionesses spot a zebra wandering away from its herd. The fastest lionesses darts in front she starts chasing the zebra. The rest of them wait behind a bush when the zebra zooms by they pounce! 
 Most big cats are carnivores which means they only eat meat. For example, lions eat gazelles, antelope and anything they can find on savannah. 
  While tigers eat deer, water buffalo and sometimes fish. But isn’t it cool that tigers can also eat bears and leopards when they are so hungry and can’t find anything else to eat.
Babies/Growing Up

  Lions are the only wild cats that live in groups, called prides. Each pride has about 3-20 lions, made up of 1-3 males and a lot of females and cubs. 
 The male lion’s job is to protect the pride from any intruders who what to take over their territory. The lionesses job is to raise the cubs and hunt. 
 Other big cats live alone the only time they come together is mating season.

  A hundred days after mating a tigress is ready to give birth. She finds a den under a fallen tree and crawls inside. She gives birth to 3 strong, blind and deaf cubs and starts nursing them for 6-8 weeks. Then she starts feeding them meat and teaching then hunting skills. When they are 1-3 years old they will leave their mother and start their own lives. 
  Lions have litters of 1-5 cubs which is similar to most wild cats like cheetahs and servals. When male cubs are ready to leave female cubs usually stay with her birth pride.
Similar and Different

Lions and tigers are beautiful creatures but people called hunters hunt these animals. There are 13,000 tigers left but most live in captivity. There are only 5,000 left in the wild. Zoos have started breeding programs to increase the big cat population. In 1995 there were 20 lions in northwest namibia, today there are more than 130. How can you help? You can help by recycling and reducing plastic. But if you can see a big cat in the wild don’t stare them in the eye and don’t try to run. If we work together we can increase the big cat population.
Save the big cat!
Saving the Big Cat!

  Lions are different in different ways. They are both carnivores and they are both warm blooded. They both use camouflage to hunt and are very protective to their young. 
 But they are different in some ways too. Lions live in groups but tigers live alone. Tigers love swimming but lions don’t. And they have one big thing in common they are both endangered!
What’s for Dinner?

  6 lionesses spot a zebra wandering away from its herd. The fastest lionesses darts in front she starts chasing the zebra. The rest of them wait behind a bush when the zebra zooms by they pounce! 
 Most big cats are carnivores which means they only eat meat. For example, lions eat gazelles, antelope and anything they can find on savannah. 
  While tigers eat deer, water buffalo and sometimes fish. But isn’t it cool that tigers can also eat bears and leopards when they are so hungry and can’t find anything else to eat.

  Lions are the only wild cats that live in groups, called prides. Each pride has about 3-20 lions, made up of 1-3 males and a lot of females and cubs. 
 The male lion’s job is to protect the pride from any intruders who what to take over their territory. The lionesses job is to raise the cubs and hunt. 
 Other big cats live alone the only time they come together is mating season.
Similar and Different

  Lions are different in different ways. They are both carnivores and they are both warm blooded. They both use camouflage to hunt and are very protective to their young. 
 But they are different in some ways too. Lions live in groups but tigers live alone. Tigers love swimming but lions don’t. And they have one big thing in common they are both endangered!