Book Creator


by Jools Finch

Pages 2 and 3 of 9

Comic Panel 1
FACTS ABout space!
what is space?..............................................................................................................4
the moon.................................................................................................................5
the sun.....................................................................................................................6
earth and mercury..................................................................................................................7&8
this books is going to tell your about space, planet and the milkyway!
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Comic Panel 1
Space is a place where all our planets and dwarf planets are contained in.
Did you know that the sun's mass take's up 99.86% of the solar system. Did you know 1.3 million earths can fit in one sun, isn't that amazing!
what is space
fun facts
Did you know The Moon's surface is actually dark?
The Sun and the moon are not the same size.
The moon rotate's around earth and earth rotates's around the sun.
The moon was made when a rock smashed into Earth which made the moon.
The moon makes the Earth move as well as the tides.
Orbital period27 days
distance to earth384,400 km
radius1,737.1 km
gravity1.62 m/s²
age4.53 billion years
Did you know The Sun is a star at the centre of the Solar System. It is a nearly perfect sphere of hot plasma, that all the planets orbit around. also the sun is 150 million kilometres away from Earth. Can you imagine 4.5 billion years? Well that how old the sun is. No matter when or where we look at the sun, we will always see something interesting. Scientists observe these changes by watching the sunspots, which increase and decrease about every 10 years.
Did you know earth is the third planet from the sun?
Like all the planets, Earth orbits around the sun. did you know earth travels around the sun, around 30 kilometres per second, in fact! It takes 365 days (one year) for the Earth to complete one full orbit around the sun. Not only does Earth rotate around the sun, it also spins on its axis. thats how We have daytime and night time, As the planet rotates, the side facing the sun will get daylight and the the other side is in darkness.
Ddid you know mercury is the smallest planet and the closest planet to the sun , mercury also doesn't have any moons or rings, also your weight is 38% less on mercury then on earth. a whole year on mercury is 88 day on earth! also a solar day on the surface of mercury lasts 176 earth days. mercury takes 87.97 days to orbit around the sun.