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How to save water

by William and hasani

Pages 2 and 3 of 7

How to save water
By Hasani and William
The developing world are not so fortunate as us and have dirty lake water to drink and wash in so now is your chance to become a super hero and save water …
When taking a bath,fill the tub only half way to avoid spilling need to fix a leaking tap to avoid wasting 15 litres of water per day.letting the water run while you shave don’t do you around three litres per day!
Don’t leave the tap on when you are brushing your teeth .
If you want cold water fill up a jug put it in the fridge and wait 10minutes then fill up your bottle !
When planning to turn on the dishwasher you need to make sure your dishwasher is full . Also when your washing dishes you need to use the least amount of water as possible. In your fridge make sure you have a jug of cold ,refreshing water .
Hopefully this Ebook has told you allot about water and you take care of your water cause people aren’t as fortunate as us and share this with your friends so they can learn to save water.
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