Book Creator

December Newspaper

by 4th Grade

Pages 4 and 5 of 11

by Lucky, Vincent, and Israel
  Cheetahs are very large cats that can run very fast. Super fast, that they can run up to 60 miles an hour in three seconds. That's faster than most sport cars. Their body is built for that. Cheetahs have a light build, long thin legs, and a long tail. They are typically 2-3 feet tall and have a life expectancy of 10-12 years. Cheetahs have a white belly, and a dark stripe that looks like a tear on both sides of their face. They also have dark spots on their fur. They are such a beautiful looking animal that it is such a shame they are becoming endangered. 
Unfortunately, cheetahs are facing extinction. Different factors contribute to that. One factor is that humans hunt cheetahs and kill them for their fur and other goods. People make jackets and blankets from their fur, and they also use their bones to make axes and knives. Another factor, which is a big one, is due to habitat loss which they blame us humans for. According to research, only 7,100 cheetahs remain globally, and have lost 91% of its historic habitat range. One last factor that is causing cheetahs to face extinction is due to their genes not allowing all cheetahs to reproduce babies. This is causing their population to stop growing. 
Cheetahs hunt for small animals which include gazelles, hares, and impalas. Other large predators like the lion, leopard, and hyena compete with cheetahs for this food. These 3 large predators will also hunt and kill cheetahs if given the opportunity. Cheetahs are rare creatures that do not sleep and they do not hide. Instead, they climb trees which gives them an opportunity to view more animals from above. It is such a shame that this beautiful animal can become extinct soon. For now we will admire them for as long as we can, and hope that the killing of these cheetahs end soon. 
Especies claves en peligro de extinción  
por Samuel B., Jahsiel B, y Bryan J,
No me vas creer cuando te cuente de un articulo interesantisimo que leímos.  Este artículo es sobre animales en peligro de extinción.
         Un depredador es un animal que mata a otros animales para comer. Una especie clave es un depredador. Por ejemplo, el lobo gris es una especie clave y un depredador. Los lobos grises se alimentan de alces, bisontes, conejos y aves.   En los años 1800, en el parque Nacional de Yellowstone vivían cientos de lobos. El gobierno pensó que los lobos estaban destruyendo el lugar. Ellos pensaban que los lobos comían muchos alces y bisontes. Además, se comían a las vacas de las granjas. Entonces para el año 1924, el gobierno eliminó a todos los lobos.
Ya no quedaba un depredador como los lobos grises. Velozmente, había más alces que nunca. Se estaban alimentando de mucho zacate y de otras plantas. Además las plantas y el zacate no tenían tiempo  de crecer. Esto puso a los peces, a los castores y a los pájaros cantores en peligro. En 1990,  el gobierno tuvo que introducir al lobo gris para volver a ayudar al ecosistema.  
Claramente puedes ver que las especies claves son muy importantes para todos los animales.  Todos los animales tienen una parte importante en nuestro ecosistema.