Book Creator

Garden Stories

by 3rd Grade

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Garden Stories
By 3rd Grade
The Creepy Garden
By Abbygail
Did you know!

The author grows her own tomatoes.
Comic Panel 1
by Jordan
One day, a boy name Lloyd, was visiting a creepy pumpkin garden with his two friends, Kai and Cole. They were looking for ten big pumpkins for the upcoming pumpkin carving contest at school. The boys decided to go separate ways to find the perfect pumpkins. All of a sudden, Lloyd sees a creepy scarecrow. He gets closer and his friends warn him to stay back. Lloyd doesn’t listen. He gets even closer and the scarecrow comes to life. He drops his arms and starts to scream at Lloyd! Lloyd is so scared that he ran like Sonic the Hedgehog back to his friends. He tells his friends what happened and they notice the scarecrow is coming after them. Instead of running away, Lloyd, Kai and Cole defeat him with their ninja moves and power. Then they pick their pumpkins and head back home. 
The Scarecrow 
Alex y Las Plantas Terrorificas
Por Mario
The Mean Flower!
by Miranda
Jenny’s Birthday Surprise
Comic Panel 3
by Xavier
Today is Jenny’s birthday! Her favorite thing to do is go shopping. This year her birthday is going to be different. She usually goes shopping to buy stuff for her birthday but her brothers, Xavier and Jordan are going to have a surprise party for her! 
They decided to build a garden to have her party at. They planted flowers such as roses, sunflowers, and tulips. On the day of her party there was a huge thunderstorm! Xavier and Jordan didn’t know what they were going to do! Before the rain flooded the garden they had an idea. They quickly built a big tent to save the garden. The tent was built just in time and Jenny’s party turned out to be perfect. She was surprised and said it was the best birthday surprise ever! 
El Gusanito
Por Jesus
The Red Roses
by Isabelle