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Class 5 Curriculum Newsletter Spring 2021

by Hilary Southwell

Pages 4 and 5 of 15

Here's our timetable for the first full week of remote learning. I have tried to make this easy to understand. The children in school will follow the same timetable so that if they are mixing sessions in school with time at home there is no lost learning time. I have also tried to ensure that children have the chance for time away form the screen and are not required to have continuous access to a device all day. Most of the key resources needed were included in the home learning packs. Where additional resources are going to be needed, these will be uploaded as pdf files which are easier to view. I intend to mix video explanations that I have made with those provided by White Rose and other educators. \When the children submit their work, I look at each submission and identify any immediate points to action and will send them a comment if I can see that they haven't quite grasped the learning or if there is a development point I want them to act on. As I'm doing this I also capture good examples to share with the class in our daily meetings. These are shared in our Gallery of Great work. Children have the opportunity to ask for help and Mrs Lakin or I will either talk to them in the daily meeting, call them or send them an additional mini video to help explain. The daily meetings are the key vehicle for giving feedback. I am expecting the children to self mark as they would be doing at home, so each day's Maths answers are uploaded the following day shortly after 12pm. We will still be awarding house points so the children have been asked to create their own recording sheet. Our celebration assembly will also continue to take place but may have to move to the afternoon as our time in the morning is only 15 minutes. During the day- as well as teaching those children in school - we are monitoring both Satchel and the class email account, but in the event of any problems please don't hesitate to phone the school and we will then call you back. Our key focus remains on enabling all children to succeed wherever they are learning at present.
My top tips for Satchel
1. Use the daily timetable which will be sent each Monday and uploaded to the school site, to discuss the tasks with your child. Help them to plan their own time - including movement breaks and fresh air- using the suggested timings on Satchel.
2. Use the calendar view on Satchel to see the tasks for each day. Writing these as a list on paper may also help the child to organise their time.
3. When uploading a photograph is often the best way- there is no need to add a comment unless the child wants us to know something.
4. There is a noticeboard on Satchel and any key messages will be uploaded there.
5. Although a task may appear greyed out on the calendar or to do list, you can still submit work so don't worry if your child thinks they may have missed it. It will still accept the submission.