Book Creator

The Learning Manifesto of Holly D. Landez

by Landez, Holly D

Pages 2 and 3 of 21

I learned so much while preparing my Learning Manifesto. I tried to cover several topics that were meaningful to me and have implications for digital learning. Additionally, I added recorded narration and several sketch notes with related topics by Sylvia Duckworth.
 “The usual mantra is to try harder. Trying harder is impossible when you’re already trying as hard as you can. But you can always try DIFFERENT.” ~ Seth Godin
I strongly believe that every student can learn if they are provided the optimum opportunities and learning conditions. Carol Dweck’s research and teachings state that because of brain plasticity, learners can grow through challenges to learn new concepts and skills. This requires learners to have a growth mindset, be willing to expend effort and not stay discouraged when facing a setback. 

If teachers blend growth mindset training and beliefs with learning experiences designed based on the UDL principles, then they are setting the stage for student success. Because the learning needs of students vary a great deal, the Universal Design for Learning principles indicate that teachers should provide flexible options for how content is presented to students, how students engage in that content and how they demonstrate their knowledge.
Technology is a tool, not a cure
Technology in the classroom is NOT the End Goal. The goal is to enable learning everywhere, including outside of the classroom. -Andrew Barras
Technology is amazing, and provides limitless opportunities for students and teachers and society in general. In classrooms, the focus should be on the teaching, the learning and the experiences. The applications and hardware should be integrated with instruction to influence and support the learning.

Technology can be naturally integrated if teachers and leaders are focused on creating learning experiences that are irresistibly engaging, steeped in learning, and include real-world problem solving. Micheal Fullan’s work on the 6C’s suggests that learning with technology can motivate students and have a powerful impact when it includes elements of citizenship, character, in addition to communication, critical thinking, collaboration and creativity.

Dr. Beth Holland, has very effectively and creatively outlined these ideas in her book and blog series in Book Creator.