Book Creator


by Ella


Table Of Contents
Benjamin Franklin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Thomas Edison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The Wright Brothers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Henry Ford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Benjamin Franklin
He invented bifocals. The top part is to see far, the bottom of the glasses are to see right in front of you.
He also invented the Franklin Stove. It was a safer way to have a fire.
He invented a lightning rod which attracts lightning to the rod, not the house.
He also discovered electricity. How he did it was dangerous. He tied a key to a kite and flew it into a storm cloud. Lightning struck the kite, electricity traveled to the key. He had discovered electricity!
Ben Franklin was born on January 17,1706. On Milk Street, Boston, MA
He had 12 brother and sisters and three children of his own.
Benjamin Franklin died April 27th, 1790.He died from empyema.
Franklin was one of the most important founding fathers of our nation, that’s why he is on our $100 dollar bill.
Light Bulb
Thomas Edison
Light bulbs are made from metal, glass and inert gas.
The first light bulb lasted 13.5 hours.
It was on October 22nd 1879.
The first phonograph was it invented in 1877.
It took two days to make the first phonograph.
The phonograph is a machine that records and reproducs sound
I had 6 siblings.
Edison was born on February 11,1847.
Speech Bubble
He died of Diabetes on October 18, 1931.
The Wright brothers
This is a list of all the different types of planes:
1903 Flyer I
1904 Flyer II
1905 Flyer III
1907-1909 Wright Model A
1909 Military Flyer
1909-1910 Wright
"Transitional" Model A
1910-1914 Model B
1910 Wright Model R
1911-1912 Wright Model EX
1912-1913 Wright Model C
1912 Wright Model D
1913 Wright Model CH
1913 Wright Model E
1913 Wright Model F
1913-1914 Wright Model G
1914-1915 Wright Models H & HS
1914-1915 Wright Models H & HS
1916 Wright Model L
1918 Liberty Eagle
1919 OW.1 Aerial Coupe.
Orville was born August 19th 1871 in Dayton Ohio.
They all worked differently.
Wilbur was born April 16th 1867 in Millville Indiana.
Orville died January 30th 1948 Dayton Ohio.
Wilbur died May 30th 1912 in Dayton Ohio.
He died of a heart attack at the age of 76.
He died of typhoid fever at the age of 45.
Henry Ford
His siblings are
William Ford, Jr.
Margaret Ford
Jane Ford
Robert Ford.
Ransom E. Olds actually invented the assembly line not ford.
Ford used the assembly line to make cars faster.
Since Ford use the assembly line, cars didn't take so long so they cost less.
Born on July 30, 1863, in Greenfield Township, Michigan.
April 7, 1947, Fair Lane, Home of Clara and Henry Ford, Dearborn, MI.
The Model T cost $850.
If you were to buy it now it would cost $21,340.