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I Survived a Tsunami

by Julieta María FLORES MARTINEZ

Pages 4 and 5 of 7

Chapter 2
One year later the mom of Kylie said to go to San Andreas because Kylie and Travis forgot to talk about the Tsunami and Earthquake.
Kylie and Travis said no because they like New York and it is true but it was an excuse,Then the mom said to San Francisco and they said no because they go and it is so sunny,Travis starts to think that the mom was is all the places that they were with Kylie but “he said” what i am thinking and forget about it.The mom starts to suspect but she dont said nothing. It was night and Kylie and Travis went to sleep.The mom stay looking News and in one channel she see that was a Tsunami in San Andreas and Earthquake in San Francisco.The mom stays wake up all the night and in the morning in the breakfast she talked about the Tsunami and Earthquake Kylie had 8 years old and start crying Travis said sorry and all was okey,
When they finish breackfast Kylie said dad when it is december?Tomorrow “said Travis
It is December Yay!! “Said Kylie” There is snow I am going to play in the snow.
Finally it is Christmas!! Mom we can bake cookies “said Kylie” yes kylie lets go to the supermarket to buy the ingredients ok “said kylie”.Dad you can try my cookies oh they are delicious “said Travis” THK dad.

Chapter 3
Mom, dinner is ready?No kylie i only have to put the chicken in the oven ok “said kylie”
Guys, dinner is ready!
Yay i am hungry yeah me too.Woo mom is delicious.I am so full i am going to take a shower.

Mom Dad i am going to go to sleep good night.

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