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Henry Hudson

by Katherine Bedford


Henry Hudson
by Kate Bedford
Henry Hudson's Early Life ....................................................... 2

Henry Hudson's travels ............................................................. 3-4

Henry Hudson's motivation ...................................................... 5


Legacy and Impact........................................................................7

Henry Hudson's death...................................................................8

Fun Facts about Henry Hudson...............................................9
Table of contents
henry hudson's early life
Little is known about Henry Hudson’s early life. It is believed that Henry Hudson was born around 1560-1570, with some historians saying it was 1565. Henry Hudson was born somewhere in England and it is believed he later lived in London. Henry Hudson knew how to read, write, and do math; it is known he received a better education than many other people at the time. He also studied navigation and became well known for his navigation skills. In addition, he had much knowledge of Arctic geography. Henry Hudson was born near the end of the Age of Exploration, which happened between the 1400s and 1600s. At this time many European explorers discovered new ways to reach India, Asia, and the Americas. A lot of America was not yet explored or mapped out at this time in history.
Henry Hudson's travels
Henry Hudson explored the arctic ocean and north american coast. And he faced many challenges throughout the sea. For example, they didn't have a lot of food and supplies. They were suffering from the cold, too. Henry Hudson made his first voyage in 1607, with his son John and 12 other crew members. In all Henry Hudson had four expeditions where he tried - but failed - to find an ice-free passage from Europe to Asia.