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Fun Facts About Hispanics

by Deris Mora


Los Mariachis is a way to the Hispanic’s heart.

Los Mariachis is a group of musicians that sing songs and play
music for an audience. Also known as a Mariachi band, they are usually composed
of musicians that play stringed instruments. Los Mariachis were an all-male group that wore traje de charro until 1852. Modern Los Mariachis now include women in general. Male members traditionally wear traje
de charro. This outfit is composed of short jackets, exaggerated bows, sombreros, and tights.
Hispanic culture doesn’t obsess over punctuality.

Hispanic families aren’t as punctual as other cultures. While most people will arrive on time during important meetings, Hispanic countries consider being 10 to 30 minutes late acceptable.

Respecting elders is mandatory in Hispanic

Hispanic culture places a great deal on
authority. Hispanics follow respect, which is a custom of respect with strangers and elders. This means if you meet someone who is older than you or reached a higher education status, you must refer to them as señor, señora, don, or doña.
     Semana Santa is an important religious affair.

Spain is a very religious country. That is why most Hispanic culture has something to do with religion. One of the most important affairs in an entire year is Semana
Santa, also known as Holy Week. Hispanics have been practicing Semana Santa since the 16th century. Every year the Catholic Church would organize processions that tell the Passion of Christ.

Soccer plays a large cultural role throughout
Latin America.

 It’s commonly accepted as a normal aspect of life. The beautiful game inspires kids, and brings families and countries together. Here are 2 very popular soccer stars: Leo Messi (left) and Cristiano Ronaldo (right)!