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African Diaspora Trail

by Charlie, Nathan, Zach, Charlie, Tristan

Pages 4 and 5 of 19

Tucker House
Quick Quiz!
How much did Henry Tucker buy the house for?
a) 400 pounds
b) 400 dollars
c) 4000 euros
d) 4000 pounds
Answer: a) 400 pounds
St. Peter's Church
Church history
When the Virginia company settled in 1612 St Peter’s church was created in St George’s. That means it is over 400 years old isn't that crazy
In the 1700’s a gallery was built on the west side of church so blacks (free and enslaved) could attend services. This was also done in other churches
In the 1600’s most blacks were christians so the church added a expansion to the graveyard so blacks could have segregated burials whether they were free or enslaved.
At the church In august of 1834, Blacks who were baptised were no longer entered as neither free or enslaved.

Fun facts about the church
It is the oldest Anglican (The religion created after the English reformation) church outside the British Isles.
It is the oldest protestant church in continuous use in the new world.