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Poetry Poems About Poetry

by Carter Chong


Poetry Poems About Poetry
By: Carter Chong
Table Of Contents
1. My WorldView Poem
2. Salad Holds Values
3. Geovaltime Haikus
4. Death Of a Hero
5. Skiing Sounds With Sam
6. Snow Shoveling In Winter
7. I’m Going Home
8. Is Worldview Human?
9. Who Am I
10. About The Author
My Worldview Poem

The World is like a tree
My view limited like a bee
Beliefs strong like steel
Consuming knowledge like its my last meal
Time to go
Oh no
Society holds us together like glue
Values see us through
Time is precious like family
You never know when you’ll face calamity

Salad Holds Values

Values are a bowl of salad
New ingredients added
Always mixing
Always changing
some better then others
All are good

Geovaltime Haikus
1. Values are very cool
Values fun and inclusive
Values push away bad.

2. Geography good
Location Location good
Worldview live and live

3. Time is important
Time is what we have least of
We should get more time
Death Of a Hero

She opened her hand. In her palm was a silver bracelet with a scythe charm.
A cold fist closed around my heart. You were the spy.
He was so charming, handsome. Later, I wanted to stop helping him but.
He promised I was saving lives
Fewer people would get hurt
He lied to me
She took a heavy, painful breath. Forgive me.
Her eyes were a million miles away.

From Percy Jackson Book 5: “Last Olympian”

Original Text: Silena opened her hand. In her palm was a silver bracelet with a scythe charm, the mark of Kronos.
A cold fist closed around my heart. You were the spy. Silena tried to nod. Before . . . Before I liked Charlie Luke was nice to me. He was so charming. Handsome. Later, I wanted to stop helping him, but he threatened to tell. He promised . . . He promised I was saving lives. Fewer people would get hurt . . . Charlie. He lied to me. I met Annabeth’s eyes. Her face was chalky. She looked like somebody had yanked the world out from under her feet. Behind us the battle raged. Clarisse scowled at her cabin mates. Go, help the centaurs. Protect the doors. GO!
They scrambled off to join the fight.
Silena took a heavy, painful breath. Forgive me.
Your not dying Clarisse insisted.
Charlie . . . Silena’s eyes were a million miles away. See Charlie
She didn’t speak again.