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Carters Growth Mindset

by Carter

Pages 2 and 3 of 6

How Carter has showed grit and perseverance during his life
Carter showed grit and determination when starting to play piano because it was very hard for him as he had some trouble understanding and remembering what notes were what.
I think one area I have a fixed mind in is drawing the reason I think this is because my brain told me that could not do it because when ever I tried my art/drawings were not very good. A way I could try and move this to a growth mindset is by not comparing my work to others and then judging mine.
A time I received fixed mid set praise was for a math quiz when I got perfect and my dad said wow your good at math. I did not notice a difference. My thoughts have changed because I understand the difference between a fixed and growth mindset. A example of this is when my dad gave me fixed mindset praise yesterday and I corrected him and asked him to not praise me like that. My thoughts on achievements in school have not really changed since starting grade 8

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