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Growth Mindset Journal

by Sylas K

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Growth Mindset Reflection 3

It has changed a good amount, for example I used to think the only way to be intelligent was to listen and always study, but I've realized that its got everything to do with your mindset. I've now realized that motivating myself to do better has helped me grow a growth mindset and all I needed was an understanding of how a mindset has everything to do with being good at something.

One time I noticed a fixed mindset praise was in elementary school, my teacher in elementary school was not a very nice man and always gave me bad feedback and told me I couldn't do anything school work related. One time I received a growth mindset praise was in High School, for example my teachers always say what I did good in and gave me feedback and what they think needs development, this has given me an effect on my schoolwork, I've noticed a increase of growth mindset senes High School started for me and there kind words have helped me improve my work and efficiency as a learner.

My new understanding of growth mindset has effected my achievement in school greatly, for example, when I looked at my grade in elementary school, I always thought it meant I was dumb and was a worthless student. But sense I've developed growth mindset skills I've learned that having a bad grade has nothing to do with being dumb, its simply there to show you what you need improving on and dose not mean in any way that you are dumb.
Growth Mindset Reflection 4

I'm willing to fail at getting my work in on time, failing to get my work on time makes me have a great feeling of guilt, but failing and submitting things on time could really help me learn to set reminders which I would most likely use when I'm older.

One factor I can identify is that a growth mindset is in anything you do in life, wether its doing school work or playing video games. Identifying there is a growth mindset in everything will help me succeed in everything I do in life, including school work.

I would always remind myself, that I can do what ever I put my mind to and that people are here for me. I'd also remind myself that if I can keep a growth mindset, I will be a much happier person in life, wether its doing my schoolwork or socializing, a growth mindset is the key to success.

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