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Southern Colonies

by Connor L

Pages 2 and 3 of 6

The Reasons to Move to the South
By: Connor LA 5B
Reasons for Founding
One of the reasons you should move here is that when you live here you are free to practice any religion you want unlike in the north where you will be be cast out unless you are puritan. Down here we have a lot more tolerance. Down here we celebrate our history like when we moved here to settle the land of the lord proprietors or when Eliza Lucas Pinckney found indigo and made purple dye. Our rich history is full of unique things that no one else has like purple clothes if you move here and grow a little indigo then you will look like royalty.
The Geography of The South
In the south we have fertile soil, beautiful rivers and coastlines with a diverse range of wildlife and plants. Such as tobacco, indigo, wheat, rice, and cotton. Some of the wildlife includes cute little harmless lizards that run around everywhere, cool chameleons, and turtles. Also if you are worried about attacks from the Spanish in Florida, don’t worry we have taken care of that by creating a new colony: Georgia. We have filled Georgia with soldiers and volunteers to keep you safe.
The Economy of The South
In the South we have the most options to make money. In the South you can make money by building ships, shipping things across the sea, trading slaves, trading with Indians, farming cash crops, fishing, growing cattle, and lumbering. This is way more options than the other colonies and also why you should come here.
The Beautiful Cities of The South
In the South we have beautiful cities like Charleston. Charleston is a big, beautiful, bustling city with many markets and huge plantations. It is a beautiful city unlike New York which is even hotter than here.
How The South is Better than the Other Colonies
The South has many more types of crops another one is sugar in the south we have something that tastes sweet. The Middle is also hotter than the South like in New York. But the South is less cold.

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