Book Creator

Christmas Around The World

by Peggy Karagianni

Pages 2 and 3 of 36

Christmas Customs in Italy Part 1

Nativity scenes are traditionally put out on the 8th of December. But the figure of the baby Jesus isn't put into the crib until the evening or night of December 24th!
Sometimes the Nativity scene is displayed in the shape of pyramid which can be meters tall!
One old Italian custom is that children go out for Carol singing and playing songs, wearing shepherd’s sandals and hats.
On Christmas Eve, it's common that no meat and also sometimes no dairy is eaten. Often a light seafood meal is eaten and then people go to the Midnight Mass service.
When people return from Mass, if it's cold, they have a slice of Italian Christmas Cake called 'Panettone' which is like a dry fruity sponge cake and a cup of hot chocolate
Merry Christmas♪♪☺☺♥♥!!