Book Creator

Be e-friendly

by Anna Mączka

Pages 4 and 5 of 25

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By Maciej Esmund, Lena sieczka, Maja Łubczyk, Nadia Gęsiarz, Klara Kotowska and Marta Kotowska
Amy was a girl who started a blog on ecology and posted articles about garbage segregation. She encouraged others to pay more attention to segregation. Amy encouraged people to buy products in glass bottles and second-hand clothes. She was a vegetarian because meat production uses a lot of water.
Amy was a girl who started a blog on ecology and posted articles about garbage segregation. She encouraged others to pay more attention to segregation. Amy encouraged people to buy products in glass bottles and second-hand clothes. She was a vegetarian because meat production uses a lot of water.
One day Amy posted an article about garbage collection and she got a lot of negative comments. She was told she was stupid and pathetic.
One day Amy posted an article about garbage collection and she got a lot of negative comments. She was told she was stupid and pathetic.
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As a result, Amy felt horrible and was wondering whether to delete her blog, which she worked on a lot.
 She was very close to our planet and hoped to encourage others to love and respect it. After all, it is so important to protect our planet and take care of it ... She wanted others to be aware of that, too.
As a result, Amy felt horrible and was wondering whether to delete her blog, which she worked on a lot.
 She was very close to our planet and hoped to encourage others to love and respect it. After all, it is so important to protect our planet and take care of it ... She wanted others to be aware of that, too.
However, Amy did not delete her blog but she did not post anything on it for several days. Finally Amy logged on to the blog to check the comments and how many followers were telling her she was great after the last post. Amy was very surprised by what she saw. Under the last post, where there were negative comments, there were only positive comments praising Amy's work and many followers came to her blog! She believed that what she was doing was really important.