Book Creator

GeoGebra Meets Art

by Mihaela Git

Pages 2 and 3 of 26

Geometric Animations
This book represents a collection of the most interesting and beautiful animations created by students within the GEMA Project.
The animations are of two types:
1. Animations in which certain points of an shape/object move on the circumference of a geometric figure.
2. The animations obtained by geometric transformations: translations, rotation .
Coordinating teachers
-Mihaela Git, Jean Monnet High School, Romania
-Ludmila Cojocari, Gaudeamus High School, R.Moldova
-Monika Schwarze, Konrad-Adenauer-Realschule Hamm, Germany
-Janne Järvinen, Luvian Yhtenäiskoulu, Finland
-Iwona Kowalik, Zespół Szkolno-Przedszkolny nr 16 we Wrocławiu, Poland