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Mendukilo Caves

by Grupo

Pages 8 and 9 of 21

What rocks are on the ground? How important?
The Mendukilo Caves are made up of a soil made of various materials that have allowed the cave to have been formed as it is today and to have acquired those characteristic endokarst forms. Among all these materials are the reef limestone rocks, accumulated in the Cretaceous (between 114 and 96 million years old), although the erosion of the first limestones began 140 million years ago.

In addition, the cave also has clay fillings between the limestone rocks, which allow the flow of water and the formation with the passage of time of different and highly varied endokarst forms.

Apart of these last two essential materials you can also find plaster inside the cave.
Main biotic and abiotic factors of the ecosystem:
In the ecosystem of the Mendukilo caves we can find various biotic factors that modify the ecosystem in one way or another, such as all its flora and all its fauna. The modification produced by the flora in the cave can be a small accumulation of water, since the plants retain water, or simply a small change in the terrain due to the introduction of its roots and rhizomes into the limestone of its walls.

The fauna of the caves modifies the terrain through, for example, the feces of bats, its most well-known inhabitants, and through the deposition of corpses that are then used as nutrients by plants or simply by the ingestion of vegetables found inside Cave. All these factors modify the ecosystem and are carried out by living beings, so they are biotic factors of the ecosystem.
On the other hand, there are also a series of abiotic factors, as in any other ecosystem, such as the temperature at which the cave is located, which conditions the survival of certain species of animals and plants in its interior and that is 8ºC on average. In addition, it should be noted that the full predominance of darkness in this geographical feature prevents the abundance of plants, by preventing their basic survival function, photosynthesis. On the other hand, the earthly composition is the culprit for the endokarstic forms present in the cave, being predominantly limestone accompanied by clays and mostly gypsum. Fourth, the function of water in the cave is essential, since it is in charge of transporting the nutritive substances to the living beings inside the cave, the latter depending on their flow through the galleries. Here also other factors such as the climate (Humidity) and the acidity of the land among many others would be added.