Book Creator

Story of Jupiter

by Jenna Rappaport

Pages 2 and 3 of 8

HeyO! I'm Jupiter, let me tell you about myself
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I am 5th in line from the Sun.
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I am the largest planet in the whole solar system!! 

oh hey earth! almost didn't see you there 
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If you're ever able to visit, make sure to bring a jacket - its cold and windy here!
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It's because my clouds are of ammonia and water, floating in an atmosphere of hydrogen and helium
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Ever heard of my great red spot? It's kind of famous around here. my spot is bigger than your earth
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A giant storm
oh you have one moon? that's cute. I have 79. 
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Look closely and you will notice I have rings! They are really faint and made of dust.
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I can't wait to hear about my neighboring planets from you!
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