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October 2021 Mustang Monthly

by Mrs. Knowlton's Class

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Mustang Monthly
Keeping the Herd informed
October 2021
Editor-in-Chief Austin Reyes
This is a monthly publication for our fellow Mustangs. Find out more about Madeley Ranch. Written by kids, for kids.
Mighty the Mustang
Comic Panel 1

MRE Reporters
Mackenzie Andrews & Amelia Early
If you hadn't noticed, we have a Mustang Mascot! Whoever is in the costume remains a mystery. You may have been wondering, after all this time, why are we naming the mustang. This is because we didn't have the mascot costume to name. When PTA bought us the mascot costume, Mrs. Smith wanted to have a name, so she started setting up with Mrs. Allison to choose what names could be for our mustang mascot.
While choosing the mascot name is fun, how were the voting names students have seen chosen? Once Mrs. Smith read through the recommendations written by the students, she narrowed it down to the top 4 that students saw in E-Lab. As you know the recommendations came from the voting sheet in our Art specials class. We all had a to write down our opinion on a piece of paper, which Mrs. Allison gave to Mrs. Smith to filter through. These names were Milly The Mustang, Mighty The Mustang, Mikey The Mustang, and Mustang Marty. You have seen these in your E-Lab specials class.
The different ways of voting for our mustang names are Facebook, Instagram, and our E-Lab specials class. Parents were allowed to vote as well as or MRE staff. The kids in Mrs. Knez's class, C.J. Fry, Kaselynn Norris, and Lydi Moore, told us what name they chose and why they chose it. Kaselynn Norris chose the name Milly because it simply sounded fun and she enjoyed the name. Lydi Moore chose the name Mighty because the mustang looks and sounds fierce, and C.J. Fry chose the name Mighty as well because our mustang is as mighty as it looks.
We all know that we have chosen a new name for our MRE Mascot, and after a couple of weeks of voting we have finally found a result. Our new mascot name is Mighty The Mustang! He'll be as fierce and strong as he sounds...just like the students at Madeley Ranch Elementary!
Herd Happenings
COVID-19 at Madeley
MRE Reporter Oliver Reddell

Being in school during 2020-2021

The year 2020 brought many changes to our school. The COVID virus was spreading to America and people were worried because they didn't know what to expect. Schools, including Madeley Ranch Elementary, decided to be safe and offer distance learning. This experience was new to everyone and sometimes challenging, and even enjoyable at times. In the fall of 2020, we returned to in person learning.
Just because we we're back didn't mean school was the same. 4th and 5th graders were required to wear a mask, and the teachers to. The only time student could remove the mask was during snack, lunch, and recess. We also had to social distance in the classroom and in lunch. Even though it was great to see our friends and teachers, school was still very different. In may of 2021, 4th and 5th graders didn't have to wear a mask on the last two days of school, Most people were exited!
This school year almost started normally. Teachers and students of all grades didn't have to wear a mask but some students and staff chose to continue to wear a mask. Now students at MRE can get COVID tested if they are having symptoms. Many adults are vaccinated and some people have antibodies. I have had COVID-19. I felt like I had a head ache most of the time and I couldn't smell or taste. Even though I didn't feel good, it could've been so much worse. I was quarantined for 10 days. When I felt better I was able to return to school.
COVID has affected Madeley Ranch Elementary in many different ways. Students and staff could've been happy or disappointed about schools closing, but in my opinion, it was the right choice.
Comic Panel 1
MRE Reporters Hayden Carsey & Ellie Thomps

At MRE we want you to be as safe as possible, and we want you to enjoy your food. In this article well give you some food options and safety rules
Lunch Options
This month has very healthy and tasty foods. Whenever you get your food, you're required to get a fruit or vegetable to come with your meal. Their fruits and vegetables include: bananas, apples, orange wedges, peaches, grapes, and more!
Lunch Rules
At lunch please keep your hands to yourself, and don’t yell because it can hurt someone's ears, or they may not hear an announcement or a teacher. Also, in the cafeteria be kind to the lunch ladies, and say please, thank you, and other manors, because if you're rude it could hurt their feelings. When you're in the cafeteria don’t run, because on a rainy day the floors can get really slippery, and you can run into someone or something. If you see a spill please clean it up. The way you can clean up spills is by getting a napkin and pressing it down on the spill, but don’t use to many napkins. You’ll only need up to 2 or 3 napkins. You can also ask miss Maria nicely to clean it.
For breakfast the options are: mini maple waffles, breakfast taco, sausage biscuit, breakfast cheeseburger, sausage and cheese kolache, and more! Also, at breakfast they serve sides of fruits, vegetables, apple and orange juice, grape jelly, and taco sauce. If your in the cafeteria try to be out of the cafeteria before 8:15, so you don’t miss announcements.
Breakfast Rules
If you get off the bus in the morning, please walk to the line so you don’t bump into someone or something. If you're in the cafeteria for breakfast you may not leave until a teacher calls your table/bus. Also, in the cafeteria show integrity and pick up things even if they’re not yours. In the cafeteria your required to keep your hands away from other people's food even if they need help opening something, because were trying not to spread germs.
We hope you follow the rules, have a good day, and enjoy the meals.
Comic Panel 1
what COVID-19 looks like
School Culture
Mustangs show P.R.I.D.E. each day
A Culture of P.R.I.D.E. at Madeley
Comic Panel 1
MRE Reporters
Henley Clark & Austin Reyes

Rules And Precautions
Have you ever seen someone break the rules? Let's read about safety rules and precautions. We always want to be safe so, you have to make sure that you are obeying the rules and precautions. Most parents are in charge of your rules and precautions at home. Teachers and principals at your school are responsible for you while you're learning. You should have rules to prevent dangerous and terrible things from happening. Hopefully, everyone has rules and precautions in there daily lives even if it isn't exactly what you want or like
because you are keeping everyone safe and that is what matters.
Some Rules at Madeley
Rules are very important at Madeley! There are multiple ways to follow these rules. The school has a way of remembering the main 5 rules. On the announcements every morning we do the pledge, moment of silence, then at the very end we say "I have Mustang P.R.I.D.E.", that means a positive attitude, respect others, integrity, do the right thing and put my towards learning. This is what every student in the school is expected to show and do each day.
Respect and Expectations
Students should always show respect; no matter what you're talking about or who you are talking to. Most people have an expectation in their life. It could be looking up to their parents or to be like them. Many parents or families have expectation for kids to do or follow. Respect is to admire someone or something. Respect is an expectation for everyone. Students and teacher show respect each other. Teachers have expectations for students in and out of their classrooms.
. This small act, can change someone's day. It is so important to show respect and act with integrity every where you are; at school, at home or out in public. This action can make someone feel different about themselves.
Behavior for Transportation
Before and after school are very hectic times at Madeley Ranch, whether you are a car, rider, biker/walker or bus rider. An easy way to show respect is to everything in your backpack and be ready when you are called. It is absolutely important to be silent so you hear the announcement of you name and number or bus. There are over 830 people at Madeley Ranch so, we have to move quickly and efficiently. By listening and being respectful, every student will make it to school and home again safely each day.
One of the best ways to stay safe, is to listen to Safety Patrol at school. This is group of students leaders who are dedicated to helping and making sure other students stay safe. You may have seen them in the halls, in the car rider line or the cafeteria.
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They wear bright yellow belts with AAA Safety Patrol badges and help everyone stay safe. This great group of responsible student leaders meet with Mrs. Knowlton each morning and is endorsed by AAA.
The same AAA that helps keeps people safe on the roads across America. Safety Patrol student leaders switch spots every two weeks so, be sure to smile the next time you spot a new one near your door!
How the Become a Safety Patrol Leader
Madeley Ranch, listen up! If you ever want to be a leader in anything you are required to be a hard worker...especially Safety Patrol. Student leaders must be in Mrs. Knowlton's room every school day by 7:45am or you can't participate. If you are absent from school too many times, you can be removed from Patrol. When you are absent, you must email Mrs. Knowlton so she can change people around. It has been difficult during this crazy year of COVID-19. Remember, Mrs. Knowlton is always watching for good behavior and, if you are thinking about joining Safety Patrol you better be on your best behavior and have MUSTANG P.R.I.D.E. in or out of school.
Bluebonnets & Books
Breakout a good book.
Make it a Bluebonnet!
Bluebonnet Books and the Battle for #1
MRE Reporters Collin Cutright, Braxton Luc, & Oliver Westlake

Have you ever heard of Blue Bonnet Books? If you have, this article is perfect for you. The Blue Bonnet book association started in 1979. The most recent winner Chris Van Dusen for writing if I Built a School in 2021. The first ever winner was Romana and Her Father in 1981 by Beverly Cleary. 
    Students can vote for their favorite Blue Bonnet book if they are in third through sixth grade, after reading five of the Blue Bonnet books that were picked that year. 
    The Blue Bonnet books have been a part of Texas elementary schools for forty-two years and there have been forty winners. 
    These reporters think that the forty-first winner will be The Canyons Edge by Dustin Bowling. The Canyons Edge is a story about a girl’s birthday marked for tragedy, when her mother dies in one of these tragic events. 
   You might be wondering why they would make Blue Bonnet books. It is made for students. Students might be surprised by what these reporters discovered when we investigated. It is for students to figure out their favorite author or genre, and for kids so they will read more.  
  The Blue Bonnet Books are successful because it has made so many more students interested in reading. Students more interested in reading, and that read five or more Blue Bonnet Books, can vote for the winner!
Good luck and happy reading!!  
Comic Panel 1
Comic Panel 1
Comic Panel 1
Current Affairs
MRE Fighting Hunger
in Montgomery
Classified Advertisements
(The classified advertisements are in conjunction with Mrs. Knowlton's 5th grade TPSP student projects.)
Keeping Cool at School...on the playground
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MRE Reporters Jonah Harris & Leiton Manchester

Are you tired of all the heat on the playground? You are you’re in luck! McKenna Construction has put new shades on the playground! McKenna Construction put shades over the four square court and the benches. If you don’t enjoy playing four square in the heat, now you don’t have to. If the teachers were hot standing in the sun, they won’t have to anymore.
They also put shades over the circle spider web. Another thing is Mr. James has put the tether balls back on the poles. If you enjoy tether ball, now you can hit the ball with your friends to your heart’s desire. This is one of the BEST games there is to play. We are all so thankful that McKenna Construction has put the shades up for the school to keep us cool with the Texas heat.
Hopefully, when the shades we have now get ripped, we can get new ones. Maybe one day McKenna Construction will put gaga ball fences back too. So far, all the kids have enjoyed the new equipment and shades that are on the playground. These playground shades were added in the summer of 2021. Thank you McKenna Construction!
News & Current Affairs
MRE Fall Family
Fun Run
Montgomery is ONE
MRE Reporters Grayson Kirkland & James Riley

The Fall Family Fun Run at Madeley Ranch is a two hour walk or run. The fun run was on October 23rd from 9am to 11am.
The fun run is a two to three mile walk or run. The run is around the school, church, and our neighborhood, Walden. For a little extra info it takes about fifteen minutes to run and thirty minutes to walk.
If you have ever been in a fun run there is a host. For our run it will be our terrific Coach Daily our P.E. teacher. Coach Daily will include how it works and everything that you will need to know about the run. Coach Daily also said it is a wonderful exercise and you should try it.
This fun run will start and end at the Madeley Ranch teacher parking lot. So you can enjoy a quick little run, jog or walk. Don’t worry you will not get lost or not know where to go.
If you attend the run and walk, jog or run it you will receive a prize. If you complete it you will be given forty extra laps to what we call Mileage Club, and you will get a token.
The run will require a guardian or adult because if you get hurt nobody will know where you are and what is wrong with you. You could bring your parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins or friends.
Coach Daily also said, she wanted it to happen because it is a great exercise and will help you body. I hope you have a great time and have fun!
Comic Panel 1
MRE Reporters Eliyah Cosmi & Trinity Harrison

This is a gripping story of a principal. Mr. Eaton was a hardworking principal for 13. Even though he worked at Lake Creek High School, he is still apart of our big Montgomery family, and so is the high school.
Mr. Eaton is retiring. He was the first principal at Lake Creek High School. Montgomery ISD was assembling a second high school campus and Eaton was picked to be the principal in 2018. Out of all the excitement, day after day was great for the 2018-2019 school year. “For me it`s all about the people, the team, and I have made long life friends here in Montgomery" said Mr. Eaton. Yet he has only taught for 13 years in Montgomery of his 43 years in education. People in Montgomery will surely remember him for his great work. After long years of education,
Mr. Eaton was a very loving principal. He was one big part of Montgomery. No matter where you go Mr. Eaton, you will always be in our heart.
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