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Summer Reading 2024

by Rebecca Hickman

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Links for book suggestions will be on the CPS Homepage and the CPS/NHS Library webpage.  We believe that students should find a book with which they can connect and enjoy. We strongly encourage students to challenge themselves, and recommend that parents get involved and guide their children in making a good choice. The Nantucket Book Partners website is a great resource, where you will find book summaries, reviews and access to online ordering. You may also visit Bookworks or Mitchell’s to purchase the book, or the Nantucket Atheneum to borrow a copy. If you are having trouble finding a book, and/or getting a book, please reach out to Mrs. Hickman for assistance. Your participation in the CPS Summer Reading Program is essential to starting off the school year on a positive note! 

Parents: Need some tips and tricks to keep your child motivated to read? Click here for a great blog post by Pernille Ripp, 7th grade teacher and author, “How to Help Your Child Love Reading Over the Summer.” While the article was written in 2016, the message is still relevant today. Want more information and data on the importance of reading for pleasure over the summer? Read this Scholastic article!

Have a GREAT summer!
smiling face with sunglasses
We want to thank our students as they continue to commit themselves to being lifelong learners – individuals who never stop questioning the world through language and imagination.

Warm regards,
Becky Hickman, CPS Librarian (
Julie McMahon, 6th Grade ELA  teacher (
Jillian Fraker, 6th Grade ELA teacher (
Katrina Zenkert, 7th Grade ELA teacher (
Chip Davis, 8th Grade ELA teacher (
Kate Freed, 8th Grade ELA teacher (
Na’Sia Smith, SEL Writing teacher (
CPS Library ~ Summer Hours


***These hours are subject to change.*** 
Please reach out to Mrs. Hickman if you need to visit the library at another time.

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